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- Michael Joswig, Davide Lofano, Frank H. Lutz, and Mimi Tsuruga.“Frontiers of sphere recognition in practice”. J. Appl. Comput. Topol. 6.4, pp.503–527(2022). arXiv:1405.3848
- Catalina Betancourt, Mathieu Chalifour, Rachel Neville, Matthew Pietrosanu, Mimi Tsuruga, Isabel Darcy & Giseon Heo. Pseudo-Multidimensional Persistence and Its Applications. In: Chambers, E., Fasy, B., Ziegelmeier, L. (eds) Research in Computational Topology. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 13. Springer, Cham. 2018.
- Nicholas Scoville, Mimi Tsuruga, and Brian Green. “Estimating the discrete Lusternik-Schnirelmann category” Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 45, No. 1, 103–116 (2015).
extended abstracts
- Michael Joswig, Frank H. Lutz and Mimi Tsuruga. Heuristics for sphere recognition. Mathematical Software – ICMS 2014, 4th Internat. Conf., Seoul, 2014 (H. Hong and C. Yap, eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8592, 152-159. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2014.
- Mimi Tsuruga and Frank H. Lutz. Constructing Complicated Spheres. In: EuroCG 2013, 29-32 (2013). Extended abstract. arXiv:1302.6856
phd thesis