Course Information
MWF 4:10-5:00p YOUNG 198
Instructor: Mimi Tsuruga
Office Hours: W 1-3p, Location to be announced each Monday.
Office Hours Location This Week: 3/30 Picnic!
Sections | TA name | [email] | Calculus Room hours | ||
E01 | T 4-5p | WICKSN 1020 | Henry Kvinge | hkvinge | TBD |
E02 | T 5-6p | WELLMN 115 | Shawn Witte | slwitte | Th 3-5pm |
E03 | T 6-7p | WELLMN 115 | |||
E04 | T 7-8p | OLSON 217 | Xiaozhu Li | xxili | T 3-5pm |
E05 | T 8-9p | GIEDT 1006 | |||
E06 | T 3-4p | WELLMN 229 | Henry Kvinge | hkvinge | TBD |
E07 | T 5-6p | WELLMN233 | Brittany Leathers | bleathers | TBD |
Syllabus & Calendars & Grading Worksheet
COURSE ID: tsuruga40955
Hand-in Homework Problem Sets
- Students MUST work in groups of 3-5 students. Groups consisting of only 1 or 2 students are not permitted. Students are free to choose their own groups and can change groups during the quarter. Different groups may (and are encouraged to) work together. One solution set is to be submitted per group.
- All solutions must show work. If the shown work is correct and the final solution is wrong, the problem will be marked as correct. If the shown work is wrong and the final solution is correct, the problem will be marked as incorrect.
- Solutions must be written or printed on (lined or unlined) US letter-sized paper. The Section Number AND Student ID Number of each student in the group must be written on the top right corner of EVERY submitted page. Clearly print the problem number being solved on each page. Do NOT staple pages together.
- Each sheet (front and back) of the solution set may contain the solution and/or work of at most 1 problem. The solution and work for 1 problem may take up more than 1 sheet.