Course Information

MWF 10-11a YOUNG 198

Instructor: Mimi Tsuruga
FINAL Review Hours: M 11/28 3-4p Art 204; W 11/30 6-8p Olson 6; R 12/1 4-5p Wellman 6



Sections TA name [email] Calculus Room hours
A01T 4-5pOLSON 205 Younggyu Lee yk203 R 2-4p
A02T 6-7pOLSON 106 Wencin Poh wpoh MW 1-2p
A03T 7-8pOLSON 106 Wencin Poh wpoh MW 1-2p
A04T 3-4pWELLMN 115 Yunshen Zhou yszhou M 2-4p
A05T 8-9pHOAGLD 108 Yunshen Zhou yszhou M 2-4p
A06T 6-7pSTORER 1322 Younggyu Lee yk203 R 2-4p

Syllabus & Calendars



COURSE ID: tsuruga66165

IMPORTANT: Students are NOT required to purchase digital access for this course!

Students who decide to opt-out of Inclusive Access can still receive full credit for their homework grade if any 7 of the homework problem sets are 100% completed before October 7. A pdf version of each of the homework problem sets will be posted on Canvas after their respective due dates so that students can study for exams.


The Homework problem sets (and solutions) are posted here.

Extra Credit

The Extra Credit problem sets (and solutions) are posted here.


  • Students MUST work in groups of 3-5 students. Groups consisting of only 1 or 2 students are not permitted. Students are free to choose their own groups and can change groups during the quarter. Groups may contain students from different sections. Different groups may (and are encouraged to) work together. Check the Discussions Forum on Canvas to find other students who want to form groups.
  • One solution set is to be submitted per group.
  • All solutions must show work. If the shown work is correct and the final solution is wrong, the problem will be marked as correct. If the shown work is wrong and the final solution is correct, the problem will be marked as incorrect.
  • Solutions must be written or printed on (lined or unlined) US letter-sized paper. The Section Number AND Student ID Number of each student in the group must be written on the top right corner of EVERY submitted page. Clearly print the problem number being solved on each page. Do NOT staple pages together.
  • Each sheet (front and back) of the solution set may contain the solution and/or work of at most 1 problem. The solution and work for 1 problem may take up more than 1 sheet.

Lecture Notes

Some of the lecture notes will be posted here.

Mathematica Notebooks

The Mathematica demos shown in class will be posted and described here.

You will need Mathematica to use the demos. UC Davis students get a special discount for a limited time. To purchase a student license for the newly released Wolfram Mathematica v.11 Student Desktop edition for a discounted price of $99 (normally $140).


  • Visit
  • Choose a platform.
  • Add the product to the Cart.
  • Upload a proof of your Student Enrollment (e.g., registration receipt, class schedule)
  • Choose an optional Personal License Service, if you want one.
  • Enter the promotion code PD2126 right before checkout.